table . font family arial;. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align left;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #FFFFFF;. . Suitable for LED Panels. This LUMiLiFE TRIAC dimmable 500mA driver is compatible with 20 Watt LUMiLiFE panel lights and will operate with most TRIAC dimmer switches. 5 year LUMiLiFE warranty. On selected products, you can extend your warranty cover to five years by completing and returning our extended warranty form that will entitle you to unlimited replacements. Input Voltage. AC220 240V 5060Hz. Output Voltage. DC25 40V. Power Factor. 0.9. Input Current. 0.1A. Operating Temperature. 20 Minimum 45 Maximum. Electrical Safety Class. Class II
Price: £9.99 from LED Hut
table . font family arial;. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align left;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #FFFFFF;. . Suitable for LED Panels. This LUMiLiFE TRIAC dimmable 950mA driver...
table . font family arial;. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align left;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #ffffff;. . Energy Saving a perfect replacement for fluorescent lighting. This...
table . font family arial;. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align left;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #ffffff;. . Energy Saving a perfect replacement for fluorescent lighting. This...