table . font family "Arial";. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align center;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #FFFFFF;. . No soldering required. This connector lets you connect strip lighting to wiring without the hassle of soldering. Just click open the flap, remove the protection tape, insert the strip and clip shut. These connectors are 20 25% smaller than older versions, making it easier to place strip lighting into profiles. They also provide a stronger grip to prevent connections from coming loose. Chip Size. Colour. Connector Size. 3528 Small. Single. 8mm. 5050 Large. Single. 10mm. 5050 Large. Multi colour. RGB. 3 year LUMiLiFE warranty. On selected LUMiLiFE products, we offer an automatic 3 year warranty. This entitles you to unlimited replacements from the original purchase throughout the warranty period. If your original purchase is no longer available, a new replacement with the latest equivalent model will be offered. Product dimensions. 8mm Height 8mm Width 8mm Depth 2mm. 10mm Height 10mm Width 10mm Depth 2mm. RGB Height 10mm Width 10mm Depth 5mm
Price: £1.79 from LED Hut
table . font family "Arial";. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align center;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #FFFFFF;. . No soldering required. This connector lets you connect strip...
table . font family "Arial";. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align center;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #FFFFFF;. . No soldering required. This connector lets you connect strip...
table . font family "Arial";. border collapse collapse;. width 100%;. . td, th . border 1px solid #FF671F;. text align center;. padding 2px;. . trnth childeven . background color #FFFFFF;. . No soldering required. This connector lets you connect strip...